Sunday, September 29, 2013

Occasionally we run into a candidate who is aggravated I sent him an email or made a call to.

“How did you get my number?” or “How did you get my email?” Sometimes the answer is THAT I was referred to you by an acquaintance or co-worker who really respects your ability.  That was the easy way. But other times the answer is “I did my homework.”

I researched the web, patents company’s products and unique design approaches, or product successes and tried to determine who was responsible. I do these things because the opportunities I choose to represent are some of the best in our industry at that given moment.  Having been around for over 30 years I really can choose which opportunities we will spend our time on at Analog Solutions.

My clients do good work and treat people well. They solve interesting problems and I want to help them recruit the best people in our industry at this moment.  My clients depend on us for that.  The candidates/individuals that we develop relationships with also value our service and depend on us and at a cost of zero dollars to them!  Where else can you get that kind of service for free?

So I offer my apologies to you, that I was told was a top notch professional with whom I should speak, or who really did stand out in my research as worthy of inquiry. Remember good career decisions involve making choices.  These choices should be made with some due diligence to increase the chances of making a quality decision.

Also, bear in mind that without an offer there is really nothing to reject!  A “no” is a perfectly acceptable answer to us in the recruiting world. We know that someone will find the opportunity to be great for them.  You after all must live with the decisions you make. Hopefully throughout your career you will make more right ones than wrong ones.  We can only be the catalyst for that information.  I am sorry you felt I crossed a line. I’m sorry you got mad or offended, or whatever made you write me that terse email. It made me a little sad. After all I was only trying to bring forth a possible opportunity that may or may not have turned out to be a positive outcome for you and your family.